
xView2: Getting a medal and publishing follow-up paper on NeurIPS


The main objective of xView 2 challenge was to build a solution, capable of processing a pair of satellite images of same region (called hereinafter “pre” and “post” images) to detect buildings and classify level of damage dealt to them.

In this post I describe my solution to this problem and explain few know-how ideas, that resulted in a top-performing solution.

Solution code and pretrained models are available here:

Introduction to Solution

The formal problem statement can be formulated as follows: given a pair of images (“pre” and “post”), output a semantic mask of same spatial size, that corresponds to “pre” image and contains values {0,1,2,3,4} representing a “no building” class for 0, 1 for “building, no damage”, 2 for “building, minor damage”, 3 for “building, major damage” and 4 for “building, destroyed”. A target objective in the xView 2 challenge was a weighted sum of F1 score for building localization and F1 score for damage classification. Final score was computed as 0.3 * localization F1 + 0.7 * damage classification F1 score. Since the evaluation metric is pixel-based and problem itself can be treated as semantic segmentation, I used deep learning approach and fully-convolutional neural network (CNN) models to train an ensemble of semantic segmentation models. All models were solving multi-class segmentation problem with five classes (One class for “Non a building” and 4 classes for classifying damage level). Although single-model performance was enough to stay in Top-50 on the leaderboard, ensembling multiple models was a key to increase both localization and damage classification performance by N% on the leaderboard. A detailed overview of architecture of segmentation models I used will be given in “Details on Modeling Tools and Techniques” section. It worth to note that although ground-truth buildings were given in JSON format as separate polygons. I converted them to raster masks. Another approach to this problem could be instance segmentation with Mask-RCNN. However, I believe this approach is an overkill as it makes model and training routine more complex, and more importantly - competition metric does not require to separate buildings to instances. Should this be the case, my approach probably would be different. In a nutshell, my solution is a pretty big ensemble of segmentation models. As ensembling technique I used weighted averaging after softmax activations. I used 5 folds and 13 models in total, so for each fold there were at least 2 models and I trained different model architectures (different encoder backbones and UNet or FPN decoder). As an additional trick to increase models accuracy, I optimized weights for each class for each model. Second trick that I used was pseudo-labeling. After obtaining a good-performing ensemble (LB 0.801) I made predictions for test set and used these predictions to fine-tune some of my models on both train and test. Pseudo-labeling increased model accuracy by 2 points to (LB 0.803). Data Cleaning Techniques Training data contained 18337 images made at different time, locations and disaster types. All images has size of 1024x1024 pixels. Corresponding “pre-” and “post-” images were well-aligned, and quality of ground-truth annotation was found to be high. During the competition I found no obvious labeling errors in the training set. Therefore no specific data cleaning was performed. I also tried to align “pre” and “post” images even more, using image registration techniques, like coarse-to-fine template matching and ECC [2]. My line of thinking was it may give a small boost to damage classification. In practice, additional alignment did no help and in fact, made score even worse. So I abandoned this idea and used images “as is” for the training models. My understanding why it did not help is the following: Input pair of images is already aligned decently. Therefore, when image goes through encoder part of the segmentation CNN, this slight misalignment gets decimated with every new layer. E.g for output feature map of stride 4, spatial information is compressed 4 times, for stride 8 - 8 times and so on. At the same time, as we decrease spatial size of feature maps, they become more and more semantically rich and receptive field size is increasing. Therefore even with some misalignment, feature maps computed for pre- and post- images will be well-aligned. Data Processing Techniques To be able to validate my models locally, I splitted training dataset into 5 folds. As a splitting algorithm I used multilabel stratification using presence flags of non-damaged, minor-damaged, major-damaged and destroyed buildings in each image and event name as labels. This split guaranteed that each fold will contain same distribution of damage classes with respect to even types. Alternative approach is to use group K-fold to ensure images from one event belongs only to one fold. Having a 5-fold cross-validation allowed me to find optimal model architectures using cross-validation and fine-tune best-performing models afterwards. In addition, it allowed to use simple yet effective ensembling via arithmetic averaging of individual models predictions from different folds. For the training, I converted ground-truth from JSON data to raster masks of 1024x1024 size using code from official baseline repository Generated masks contained 5 classes ( Details on Modeling Tools and Techniques For training deep learning models I used PyTorch framework and Catalyst[3] library for running training experiments. PyTorch is known as a very efficient and flexible framework to construct various model architectures which worked very well in this challenge due to non-standard input format to the model. Usually, segmentation models performs image-to-image translation, and their input is a tensor of BCiHW shape and output is BCoHW tensor, but in this competition the input were two images (Two tensors of BCiHW shape, with Ci = 3) and the output is tensor of BCoHW (With Co equals 5). There are a couple of ways how one can feed two images to the model. An easiest and the most obvious way is to concatenate input “pre” and “post” images at the very beginning to create a 4D tensor of six channels and feed it through model. In practice, this approach did not work quite well, since misalignment in image pair is propagated to all feature maps and amplified at the encoder stage. Models, trained using this image composition strategy could barely reach 0.7 score on the leaderboard and therefore this approach was abandoned. A more advanced approach is to extract feature maps from each image independently using a shared encoder. This would lower the influence of misalignment in the image pairs and would enforce encoder to learn building features for both “pre” and “post” disaster images. After computing feature maps for both images, I concatenated feature maps from corresponding layers and used new feature maps as input to segmentation decoder head. In practice, this approach worked really well - even a light model built on top of ResNet-34 encoder and UNet decoder scored 0.73 on the leaderboard without any sophisticated augmentations or training tricks. Training Pipeline Training was performed using Catalyst[3] framework on top of PyTorch library. Use of Catalyst greatly reduced amount of boilerplate code needed to create a training pipeline, manage experiments, monitor predictions. In addition it supports Apex mixed-precision training and multi-GPU support our of the box. All models were trained on random-sized crops of 512x512 size and validated on full 1024x1024 images. For saving a best model checkpoint during the training I used the official competition metric score. Training was done on 4 NVidia GeForce 1080Ti GPUs and a p3.8xlarge AWS Instance equipped with 4 NVidia Tesla V100 GPUs. Depending on model architecture, I was able to fit from 32 to 64 images in a batch. I used RAdam[5] as optimizer, with weight decay 1e-5 and no dropout. Depending on a model, I used different set of image augmentations (For lighter models I used less strong augmentations, and for heavier models I had more aggressive set of augmentation parameters). Full list of hyper-parameters for training will be included in the source-code repository. Loss Image segmentation can be considered as a problem of pixel classification, which means we can use well-studied cross-entropy loss to train a model to predict a target mask. In practice this approach works very well, although many new auxiliary losses has been developed in recent years: soft dice/jaccard loss, focal loss, lovasz loss to name a few. However in this competition, what I found, is cross-entropy loss with experimentally tuned class weights worked the best. Specifically, I assigned weight of 1.0 to “not building” and “no damage” classes and 3.0 to “minor”, “major” and “destroyed” classes. This weighting of underrepresented classes seemed to work quite well in practice and I did not make any under-/oversampling during the training: loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0])) Augmentations Image augmentation pipeline played crucial part of my training pipeline. Augmentation technique not only helped to prevent model overfitting, but in fact was a key component that increased model performance, especially on large displacement of “pre” and “post” image. For augmenting images I used open-source library Albumentations [4]. This library allows to create augmented images on-the-fly during training, and thankfully to large number of supported augmentations, I was able to find right balance between making augmented images hard-enough to prevent overfit while keeping the data distribution close to original data. Albumentations allow to augment image and mask simultaneously, ensuring that augmented image and mask are consistent, which made this library a perfect fit for this challenge. Image augmentation pipeline (Applied only during training phase) Input: “pre” and “post” image pair

  1. Apply spatial transformation only to “post” image: a) Random rotation by small degree (-3,+3) b) Random shift of image by (-10,+10) pixels c) Random zoom (-2%,+2%)
  2. Crop 512x512 patch for same region from “pre” and “post” with a random scale varying from 80% to 120%.
  3. Apply color augmentation independently to “pre” and “post”: a) Random brightness, contrast and gamma change b) Changes to image either in HSV or RGB colorspace
  4. Apply spatial augmentations to “pre” and “post” images with same transformation parameters (to ensure “pre” and “post” crops are consistent) a) Random grid shuffle b) Random scale (+- 10%) and rotation (+-10 degrees) c) Random rotation by 90 degrees and image transposition d) Mask dropout Ensembling technique My best-performing solution was an ensemble of 13 segmentation models trained on different folds and varying with encoder backbone (ResNet, DenseNet, EfficientNet) and decoder architecture (UNet, FPN). No Model Architecture Fold Localization Damage 0 resnet34_unet_v2 0 0.865514 0.707850 1 resnet101_fpncatv2_256 0 0.871020 0.714319 2 seresnext50_unet_v2 1 0.858342 0.663708 3 resnet34_unet_v2 1 0.864830 0.683157 4 densenet201_fpncatv2_256 1 0.869787 0.683657 5 inceptionv4_fpncatv2_256 2 0.833248 0.719878 6 densenet169_unet_v2 2 0.871033 0.721195 7 resnet34_unet_v2 2 0.862285 0.722121 8 resnet34_unet_v2 3 0.865738 0.707328 9 seresnext50_unet_v2 3 0.879670 0.733817 10 efficientb4_fpncatv2_256 3 0.860539 0.721291 11 resnet34_unet_v2 4 0.866404 0.700976 12 resnet101_unet_v2 4 0.874912 0.707240 Table 4.1 - Validation metrics for individual models in the best ensemble (on public LB) Conclusion and Acknowledgments During the competition I realized the main limiting factor for my solution (I’d speculate this is likely to be true for other participants) is classification accuracy of minor and major damage classes. Even on flooding type of disaster events, it was quite hard to discriminate between these two classes with a naked eye. So it’s not a surprise that models had some hard time on assigning a correct class. My solution did not leverage sophisticated post-processing of predicted masks. I believe, post-processing with watershed and instance segmentation may increase the classification accuracy, especially in hard examples. According to my experiments, any post-processing I tried lead to decrease in classification accuracy. Therefore I used none in my final solution. It worth mentioning that according to public leaderboard, localization accuracy was quite even for all Top-50 submissions. It may indicate there is an upper limit of localization accuracy caused by off-nadir imagery, which cause significant offsets between ground-level building contour and it’s roof. This score is quite close to SOTA score on Inria Satellite Labeling Dataset[6], which is 80.3 IoU. The main boost of Top-5 submissions is gained from classification accuracy which is due to use of ensembling of many models. Figure 5.1 - Scores distribution for Top-50 submissions on public LB


  1. Olaf Ronneberger, Philipp Fischer, Thomas Brox, U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation.
  2. Evangelidis, G.D. and Psarakis E.Z. “Parametric Image Alignment using Enhanced Correlation Coefficient Maximization”, IEEE Transactions on PAMI, vol. 32, no. 10, 2008